Assoc. Prof. MD Ph.D Atil Bisgin
Adana Genetic Diseases Diagnosis and Treatment Center, Adana, TR & Cukurova University Faculty of Medicine, Turkey, Adana, TR
Dr. Atil Bisgin was born in 1979 and had medical education in Cukurova University Faculty of Medicine then Medical Genetics training in Akdeniz University Faculty of Medicine. He has been working in Cukurova University Medical Genetics Department of Medical Faculty, Adana, Turkey within cooperation with several institutes from USA, Germany, Belgium, France, UK, Cyprus, India and Sweden since 2013.
His experiences include but not only limited to;
• Established the Medical Genetics Department and Clinical Genetics Clinics in several universities and still working as an acting head of the latest department/center since 2013
• Created and has been responsible for the bioinformatics, medical genetics, immuno-/onco-genetics, translational medicine and biotechnology masters’ degree and PhD training
• Established one of the biggest of its own, the Cukurova University AGENTEM (Adana Genetic Diseases Diagnosis and Treatment Center) where more than 15000 molecular tests per annum have been performed including NGS (Next-Generation-Sequencing) multi-gene panels, clinical exome analysis, whole exome sequencing and whole genome sequencing
• Organized the bioinformatics and immunogenetics symposium and many workshops on novel diagnostics and technologies which were the first ones in nation and Europe wide and becomes regular
• Established InfoGenom initiative in Cukurova Technopolis which gives training courses for newly established NGS laboratories, gives services of designing (inter)nationwide targeted multigene panels for clinical practice, designs total solutions and pipelines for newly opening laboratories and gives services of genetic testing with clinical reporting
• Together in collaboration between Cukurova University AGENTEM and InfoGenom, the center becomes one of the leading diagnostic laboratory for clinical validations of NGS (Next Generation Sequencing) technologies and test panels for the worldwide biggest companies on the market including Qiagen, Thermo Scientific, Roche Diagnostics, Multiplicom (Agilent), CLC Genomics, Sophiagenetics and etc.
• Involved in a range of activities, such as lecturing medical and (molecular)biology students, teaching medical students and attending tv shows about genetic disorders, rare diseases and cancer for public education including the UNDP projects
• Involved in developing novel strategies for training in several institutes from Europe to Asia and nationwide reimbursement systems for genetic/molecular testings
• Had collaborations with many other groups in a cross-cultural and multidisciplinary environment in many countries in several areas
• Also defined as both social-leader, clinician and laboratory scientist
• Performed more than 400 presentations since 2006 and more than 150 as an invited speaker since 2009 in scientific meetings especially in oncology and rare diseases also with many columns in both international and national newspapers, magazines, regular TV shows and radio programs
• Have more than 100 published papers in internationally indexed journals (including NPG, Cell Press, Elsevier, BMC, Oxford University Press and Wiley Journals) (not the national ones included)
• Had been the CSO and AdBoard member of many well-known Pharmaceutical and Diagnostic Companies
• Has many research projects including the internationally on-going ones supported by European Commission, European Association for Cancer Research, European LIONS Cancer Fund and The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK)
• Had been the PI of 3 multi-centric phase 2 and 3 clinical trials and also a service laboratory for genetic testing for pharma in oncology and rare diseases (Astra Zeneca, Roche and etc.)
• Had