Prof. Eng. Ph.D Horia Iovu
Faculty of Applied Chemistry and Materials Science, University Politehnica of Bucharest, Bucharest, RO
HORIA IOVU is professor of polymer science and technology, chemist engineer, specialization in Composite Materials (Manchester Metropolitan University, U.K., 1994-1995), PhD in Chemistry and Technology of Polymers (1995); full professor since 1999 (University Politehnica of Bucharest – Department of Bioresurces and Polymer Science); Member of the National Council for Research in Higher Education (CNCSIS) (2005-2011); President of the National Council for awarding the universitary titles in Romania, the field of Chemical Engineering (since 2006); Vice-Rector / Director of Council for Doctoral Studies (since 2012); Full member of the Romanian Academy of Scientists; Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry (FRSC), Fellow of the Romanian Chemical Society. Professional experience: elastomers synthesis by polymerization of dienes with lanthanide-based catalysts, composite materials-synthesis and design, nanocomposite materials based on polymer matrices reinforced with silicates, nanocomposite materials based on polymer matrices reinforced with carbon nanotubes / graphene, carbon nanotubes – modification and compatibilization, biomaterials for scaffolds, collagen-HAP-synthetic polymers composites, polymer-based drug delivery systems. Scientific activity: Group leader for the research group The Advanced Polymer Materials Group (since 2005) devoted to synthesis and characterization of new nanocomposites based on various polymers and reinforcing agents ( for various applications including bioengineering, author / coauthor of more than 210 papers published in ISI – rated journals, 6 books published at national level and 5 book chapters at international level, Editor-in-chief “Materiale Plastice” ISI-rated journal.